Product Details
Electronic Circuits & Components

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  Interactive Virtual Laboratories
  Pre-designed circuits for both Electronic Workbench and
Crocodile Clips
  Full audio commentary
This CD assumes no prior knowledge of electronics and makes full use of animations, sound, graphics and images to take users from first principles (what is a resistor?, what does it look like?, how does it behave?) up to simple circuits. The CD makes use of many Virtual Laboratories: small software applications designed to help students learn electronic theory and overcome conceptual difficulties. 
By the time students have worked through the CD ROM they will feel confident with a range of simple circuits from simple potential dividers through to simple power supplies. The Parts Gallery is supplied free with Electronic Circuits & Components. There are 5 chapters in Electronic Circuits and Components which break down as follows: 
Units and Multiples: Fundamental and derived units, radians and sinusoids, decibels
Electricity: Ohm's Law, energy, magnetism, capacitance, resistance ,inductance, electric and magnetic fields
Electric Circuits: Series and parallel connections
Alternating Currents: wave forms, frequency, peak and RMS values, reactance and impedance
Passive Components 
Resistors: values, colour code, series and parallel connection, temperature coefficient
Capacitors: charge and voltage, energy storage, specification, values, markings, series and parallel connection
Inductors: flux linkage and current, energy storage, specification, values, markings, series and parallel connection
Transformers: operation, voltage and turns ratio, current and turns ratio
Switches: description and operation
Diodes: bias, characteristics, zener diodes, LED's
Transistors: connection, operation, characteristics, gain
Op Amps: connection, input and output resistance,
gain, amplifiers
Logic Gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR,XNOR,
buffers, inverters
Student Version (home use only)